Post pandemic psychic consequences and the use of antidepressants


  • lbenir Silva
  • Andréa Valeriano Cantão
  • Arthur Moreira
  • Beatriz de Jesus Pires
  • Darliany Neves Farias Marinho
  • Guilherme Freire Santos
  • Joelma Passos de Souza Andrade
  • Luana Rodrigues da Silva
  • Maria Guiomar Jahel Sant’Ana
  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva


pandemic, depression, medication, quality of life


The COVID-19 pandemic brought a new reality to humanity, lasting per very time It is taunting O collapse us services public in health. Due to prolonged social isolation, many individuals began to present physical, psychological and cognitive problems. Furthermore, it negatively affected individuals with pre-existing mental disorders of depression and anxiety. A depression It is one of the bigger damage The health mental existing at the world, being O third bigger involvement worthy in remoteness to the work. Like this, such as: functional, social, intellectual and financial harm. Its main sign is the result of: increasing loneliness, withdrawal from people or social group, anger, feelings negatives It is insecurity how much to the future. At society contemporary, fluid and complex in which we live, it is notorious that there has been an increase in the number of mental pathologies in the population. Those that, are prevalently high, have worsened with The pandemic, represent one serious problem for The population. O The use of medications is fundamental in the treatment, but they can expose users to adverse events and important drug interactions, thus, the objective of this study is to identify the increasing rates of depression and anxiety during the pandemic It is, O use inappropriate in possible substances as solution It is improvement of quality of life. It is an integrative review, with more recent studies with a similar theme on the networks: Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Google Scholar.







How to Cite

Silva, lbenir, Cantão, A. V., Moreira, A., Pires, B. de J., Marinho, D. N. F., Santos, G. F., Souza Andrade, J. P. de, Silva, L. R. da, Sant’Ana, M. G. J., & Silva, D. R. (2023). Post pandemic psychic consequences and the use of antidepressants. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(7).