Broadcasting about Vaccination Campaigns: An Analysis of the Media in Ceará


  • Santino Carvalho Franco
  • Antônio Dean Barbosa Marques
  • Guilherme Alves da Silva
  • Ana Clara Teixeira da Silva Oliveira
  • Giulli Catarini Cei Ribeiro Lobo
  • Amanda Zahlouth Serique Gat
  • Dienyelle de Nazaré Costa Barbosa
  • Maria Eduarda Rath
  • George Pitman Farias
  • Valéria Pereira Rezende de Almeida
  • Thaís Costa Valente
  • Amanda Lima franco
  • Marcela Magno Miranda Bezerra
  • Jouzemayra Ariany Silveira da Silva
  • Caio Batista Leão
  • Inah Silva Athayde Gomes
  • Marivaldo de Moraes e Silva
  • Lucas Batista de Menezes
  • Manuella Ferraz de Souza Monteiro
  • Giovanna Zahlouth Serique Gato
  • Diego Teles Borges Leal
  • Antônio Carlos Lemos Monteiro Filho
  • Danielle Lima Barbosa
  • Igor Florenzano Wanzeler
  • Carolynne Lima de Sousa
  • Virna Lima dos Santos
  • Juliane Santos da Costa
  • Ana Carolina Abdon Seixas
  • Camylla Rebbeca Bezerra de Aragão
  • Adrianne Raposo Ponte
  • João Victor Tavares da Costa
  • José Victor Silva Lima
  • Ranchelane Maria Gomes Barreto
  • Juliana Prusch Fernandes Cardoso
  • Cecília Farias de Figueiredo
  • Eduardo Rocha
  • Amanda de Souza Pantoja
  • Paulo Matheus Sherring e Sousa
  • Larissa Brabo Collyer Carvalho
  • Marcella Moraes Nogueira Paranaguá
  • João Lucas Barbosa Nery Marques
  • Ana Júlia Coelho Gomes
  • Fabio Andres Ayala Neri
  • Lucas Monteiro Arielo
  • Jonas Chaves
  • Lilian Coelho Heringer Diniz
  • Fabiany de Fátima Pompeu Rodrigues
  • Andressa Schmidt do Nascimento
  • Amanda de Souza Pantoja
  • Cássio Dourado Kovacs Machado Costa
  • Rosangela Aguiar de Araújo Borges
  • Walter Soeiro de Aviz
  • Tamires Verçosa Cardoso
  • Ingrid Paola Canto Gomes de Oliveira
  • Mônica Maria de Moraes Lima Ferreira
  • Kalil Orleans Silveira Pinho


Vaccines, Media, Campaigns, Broadcasting


Vaccines have been used since the beginning of the 19th century as a disease control measure. However, it was only in 1973 that the National Immunization Program (PNI) was formulated, which established the National System of Epidemiological Surveillance (SNVE). This organizes the entire national vaccination policy for the Brazilian population and has as its mission the control, eradication and elimination of immunopreventable diseases(2) . Thus, the objective of this study was to understand the social representations elaborated by the media in Ceará about vaccination campaigns. To reach the proposed objective, we used the proposed steps of documentary research(8) , anchored in the theory of social representations(6-7) . The search for journalistic articles occurred through access to two electronic addresses of major newspapers of Ceará; Jornal O povo ( and Diário do Nordeste (, focused on the period of July 2017. Thus, the social representivities elaborated by the media of Ceará about the vaccination campaigns were understood. As the low or high acceptance of this population before the immunization campaigns that were conveyed to the two important newspapers.Has as a limiting factor this study, the selection of local media news, in which the data are punctual and can not be generalized. Despite being a prerogative of the qualitative approach the non-generalization.




How to Cite

Franco, S. C., Marques, A. D. B., Silva, G. A. da, Silva Oliveira, A. C. T. da, Lobo, G. C. C. R., Serique Gat, A. Z., Costa Barbosa, D. de N., Rath, M. E., Farias, G. P., de Almeida, V. P. R., Valente, T. C., franco, A. L., Bezerra, M. M. M., Silveira da Silva, J. A., Leão, C. B., Gomes, I. S. A., Silva, M. de M. e, Menezes, L. B. de, Souza Monteiro, M. F. de, … Pinho, K. O. S. (2023). Broadcasting about Vaccination Campaigns: An Analysis of the Media in Ceará. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(10).