Evaluation of Pain Intensity and Analgesia used in Patients in the Postoperative Period in a Hospital in the Interior of Bahia


  • Caroline Mendes Oliveira Leite
  • Livia Fernandes Ferreira
  • Ana Luísa Silva de Carvalho
  • Érika Pereira de Souza
  • Beatriz Rocha Sousa
  • Iaggo Raphael David
  • Stenio Fernando Pimentel Duarte
  • Rodrigo Santos Damascena


Pain is a detestable emotional, sensory experience that usually occurs in varying degrees of intensity, identifying itself as multidimensional, as high in quality as in intensity, being able to result from nerve stimulation as a result of injury, emotional disturbance or disease. In this way it makes possible the certification in which pain is a singular and particular experience. The present study aims to evaluate the intensity of pain and analgesia used in patients in the postoperative period in a hospital in the interior of Bahia. This is a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted in a public hospital in the interior of Bahia through a structured questionnaire and the analysis of medical prescriptions. The research involved 50 participants who underwent surgical procedures. NVS was used to assess pain intensity. The data were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS 22.0. The predominance of the male gender (78%) and the age groups of 62-72 years (32%) were observed. In addition, 64% of the participants presented prescription of some type of opioid. 86% presented some type of pain and 76% had mild pain. The results of this research indicate the need for systematic evaluation of pain in postoperative patients, aiming at its control, contributing to the recovery of these patients.







How to Cite

Leite, C. M. O., Ferreira, L. F., Carvalho, A. L. S. de, Souza, Érika P. de, Sousa, B. R., David, I. R., Duarte, S. F. P., & Damascena, R. S. (2019). Evaluation of Pain Intensity and Analgesia used in Patients in the Postoperative Period in a Hospital in the Interior of Bahia. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/674