Food Supplementation for Beef Cattle Raised on Pasture in the North of Minas Gerais


  • Gilmar Antunes Saude Neto
  • Iara Alves de Sousa
  • Jackeline Freitas da Silva
  • Letícia Campos Santos
  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva
  • Maria Eduarda Lima da Silva
  • Tauan Bremer Ramalho
  • Vania Graça Santos
  • Vinícius Nascimento Santos
  • Wagner Mendes Rodrigues


Bovine, Food Supplementation, Pasture System


Brazil stands out for having the second largest cattle herd in the world, close to 208 million heads. Supplementation of pastured animals is an area of great interest in veterinary training. This is because food is one of the main factors that influence the productivity and health of animals, and nutritional supplementation is an important strategy to ensure the supply of adequate and sufficient nutrients to meet the animals' needs. If supplementation is not carried out properly, there may be an imbalance in the animals' diet, leading to health problems and reduced performance. Therefore, this work presents the problem question: What is the best food supplement for beef cattle? This work aims to describe the effects of supplementation on beef cattle in the pasture system. Analyze what the national beef cattle industry is like. Address the effect of supplementation on the performance of beef cattle in a pasture system. Identify supplementation during the rainy season, as well as its causes and effects. Explain pasture supplementation strategies for beef cattle. This is a methodology carried out through a bibliographic review of qualitative literature research. With a questionnaire applied to producers who visit the 26th Expoagro de Nanuque in September 2023.




How to Cite

Neto, G. A. S., Sousa, I. A. de, Silva, J. F. da, Santos, L. C., Silva, D. R., da Silva, M. E. L., Ramalho, T. B., Santos, V. G., Santos, V. N., & Rodrigues, W. M. (2023). Food Supplementation for Beef Cattle Raised on Pasture in the North of Minas Gerais. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(11).