The Feast of the Divine Holy Spirit and the Sacralization of Spatiality in Manicoré-AM / Brazil


  • Geanne Ferreira Leite
  • Tainá Trindade Pinheiro
  • Rayla de Lima Tavares
  • Maria das Graças Silva Nascimento Silva
  • Josué da Costa Silva


Place, Sacred, Amazon, Divine


The purpose of this article is to study the spatiality of the Divine Holy Spirit Festival in Manicoré/Amazonas through the symbologies of the festival and the devotees' spatial relationships with the place. In this way, the aim is to understand the affective relationships, the diversity of perceptions gauged and present significant points, addressing the relationship of the subjects in their living space. From a phenomenological perspective based on Relph (1978), the study was carried out through fieldwork and interviews, which formed part of the research methodology. Thus, the Divine Holy Spirit Festival can be understood as more than just a festival, but as resistance to the popular tradition that holds it, a sense of the sacred and of life itself.




How to Cite

Leite, G. F., Pinheiro, T. T., Tavares, R. de L., Nascimento Silva, M. das G. S., & Silva, J. da C. (2023). The Feast of the Divine Holy Spirit and the Sacralization of Spatiality in Manicoré-AM / Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(12).