Physical-Chemical and Microbiological Evaluation from Domiciliary Reservoirs


  • Gabriela Gomes Santos
  • Rafael França
  • Stenio Fernando Pimentel Duarte
  • Roseane Mendonça de Figueredo
  • Beatriz Rocha Sousa
  • Iaggo Raphael David
  • Felipe de Oliveira Bittencourt
  • Flavio Mendes de Souza


The main constituent of all living being is water, however the threats caused by the improper actions of human beings to this liquid of great importance evidence losses to the humanity, knowing soon the interference of several procedures applied on the water treatment and their influence on the final quality of the product, the present study was executed to verify the influence of the domestic reservoirs on the physical chemical and microbiological properties of the water used for human consumption in the city of Barra do Choça, by means of collections at strategic points for the accomplishment of the aforementioned analyzes, with emphasis on the detection of possible changes caused by incorrect storage. The physical and chemical parameters analyzed were: electrical conductivity, hydrogen potential (hP), turbidity, alkalinity, fluorine, iron and chlorine. The microorganisms analyzed were E. coli, fecal and total coliforms and heterotrophic, recommended by APHA based on the standard methods for the examination of (the) water and wastewater 22nd ed. The data obtained were compared to the values established by Ordinance No. 2914/11. Thus, a descriptive analysis was accomplished and the method of Cluster was applied, that shows an arrangement of the groups that have similarity and in the found results demonstrate discrepancy in the results of Fluorine and electrical conductivity, by having (tendo) as relevance that in the most of the applied parameters are within the accepted normality, in relation to microbiological analysis shows that 33% of the water in the reservoir is out of the standard and that in 50% of the reservoirs the contamination by heterotrophic bacterium, demonstrating that the reservoir without its correct applications is a deteriorating factor of water quality.







How to Cite

Santos, G. G., França, R., Duarte, S. F. P., Figueredo, R. M. de, Sousa, B. R., David, I. R., Bittencourt, F. de O., & Souza, F. M. de. (2019). Physical-Chemical and Microbiological Evaluation from Domiciliary Reservoirs. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(5).