Delayed in the Psychomotor Development of a Premature born Mother with Malaria failed in the Western Amazon, Brazil
Objective: To report the case of a young man born of premature birth, whose mother contracted Plasmodium infection falc i one pair in gestation. Case report: Young male, born at 32 weeks of gestation’s, vaginally, Apgar 7 and 8, the first and fifth minute, respectively, weighed 1100 g. He sat down at age two. He spoke at the age of three. He was 4 years old. His mother, primiparous, had malaria in a falciparum in the first trimester of gestation, made quinine tablet 500 mg, in the dose of 1 tablet of 8/8 h for ten days. At the examination: 17 years and 10 months, presented Weight: 39 Kg, Height: 1,51 cm, PA: 80/60 mmHg. He presented good state of nutrition, active attitude, normocorado, normohidratado, acyanotic, eupnéico, without alteration of the cardiovascular and respiratory apparatus, without secondary sexual characters , does not have axillary or pubic hair, penis and testes of infantile aspect, with little increase in its overall size, but with a slight change in its appearance, without intonation of speech, that is, the vocal mute has not yet occurred. Conclusion: Premature born to mothers who hadplasmodium falciparum infection, presented delayed neuropsychomotor development and secondary sexual characteristics. It recommends the improvement of diagnosis and treatment programs in the services of assistance to pregnant women, perinatology and rehabilitation, aiming at the appropriate and timely treatment and regular outpatient follow-up to prevent or minimize the sequelae of these preterm infants.