Construction and Demolition Waste Management Practices at Construction Sites


  • Sandy Rebelo Bandeira
  • Jasminne Belentani Souza Maciel
  • João Carlos Silva de Oliveira
  • Antonio Estanislau Sanches


Most of the construction and demolition waste is disposed of in irregular or clandestine landfills, causing environmental, social and economic impacts. These impacts cause damage to the environment, society and public administration, since they cause silting up of rivers, obstruction of public roads and generate expenses with collection and cleaning. The objective of this study is to present practices applied on construction sites for the reduction and final disposal of waste (CDW) through an analytical-descriptive and qualitative field research, conducted in three construction companies located in the city of Manaus-Amazonas. Photographic records were used for simple and georeferenced images, in addition to the application of specific questionnaires. In the three companies evaluated (A, B and C), it was observed that only one correctly practiced the disposal of waste, while the other two did not know the laws and obligations regarding the correct management. Due to this problem, a new flowchart was defined with new stages of construction planning, based on CONAMA Resolution 307/2002, which defines waste management in terms of planning, responsibilities, practices, procedures and resources. Graphic materials containing good practices for waste management (RCD) were manufactured and disseminated in companies A, B and C, aiming at reducing, reusing or recycling waste on construction sites. The graphic materials, which were also disclosed through internal lectures, also presented alternative solutions through constructive technologies for storage, conditioning, transportation and reuse of waste.







How to Cite

Bandeira, S. R., Maciel, J. B. S., Oliveira, J. C. S. de, & Sanches, A. E. (2019). Construction and Demolition Waste Management Practices at Construction Sites. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(10).