Semi Preserved of Marine Fish, Physical-Chemical, Microbiological and Nutritional Characterization


  • Ana Maria da Silva
  • Ana Paula da Silva Leonel
  • Juliana Veit
  • Armin Feiden
  • Aldi Feiden
  • Ricardo Coutinho


Fish is a food rich in nutrients and highly perishable. In this sense, finding suitable forms for its processing and conservation is essential to maintain its quality. Thus, the objective of this work is the preparation of semi-preserves based on marine fish and to analyze their physicochemical, microbiological and nutritional composition, optimizing the time for sterilization of the glasses, so that the product is free of microorganisms. Sea fish preserves have been prepared, having as cover sauces: olive oil (extra virgin), sauce with tomatoes and water with salt (in the natural). These preserves, after their elaboration, were stored at room temperature for 40 days. The microbiological results obtained, for all the samples, were considered within the standard established in the RDC number 12 of January 2, 2001, for this type of product. Where the limit values for coagulase positive Staphylococcus, Salmonella sp. and Coliforms at 45 ° C, showing that the protocols used in the present study were adequate for the commercialization of the products.







How to Cite

Silva, A. M. da, Leonel, A. P. da S., Veit, J., Feiden, A., Feiden, A., & Coutinho, R. (2019). Semi Preserved of Marine Fish, Physical-Chemical, Microbiological and Nutritional Characterization. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(10).