Breastfeeding: The Knowledge of the Partner within the Pre-Birth Program in Rondonia, North of Brazil


  • Teresinha Cícera Teodora Viana
  • Leonardo Severo da Luz Neto
  • Luiz Carlos Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
  • Helio Franklin Rodrigues de Almeida
  • Ana Claudia Domingos Cassimiro
  • Graciely dos Santos da Luz
  • Clésio Tiago Matias do Nascimento


The process of breastfeeding is older than human existence, but still complex, involves several factors that contribute positively or negatively to the practice. The objective of this study was to describe the knowledge of the members of the male pre-birth program in a Family Health Unit in the city of Cacoal (Rondônia, North of Brazil) on the importance of breastfeeding. The research was conducted in the months of February, March, April, 2018, after signing the consent form. A qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study was obtained through interviews with the partners of the pregnant women enrolled in this Family Health Unit. The sample consisted of 20 partners, the results were: 09 (45%) of the partners were between 22 and 30 years of age, 13 (65%) are married, 4 (20%) work as a general helper, 10 (50%) of them did not complete the first degree, 10 (50%) interviewed attended a pre-birth visit, 16 (80%) partners never participated in the meetings promoted by the basic health unit, it was observed that 18 (90%) attended the examinations laboratory tests, and USG), 18 (90%) reported that their companion attended a course of preparation for childbirth. Regarding the partners' knowledge about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, it can be observed that 15 (75%) did not know the advantages of breastfeeding for the baby, 12 (60%) correlated the infant's development with breastfeeding, 11 (55%) did not (40%) answered that the economy is the biggest advantage for the couple, 7 (35%) claimed that breastfeeding should be performed up to 1 year of age. It is concluded that partners have no knowledge about breastfeeding, little participation was observed during pregnancy. The male pre-birth program is the way to contribute to the training of the partners' knowledge about the pregnancy cycle, making it necessary to implant them in the other health units of the family.







How to Cite

Viana, T. C. T., Neto, L. S. da L., Albuquerque, L. C. C. de, Almeida, H. F. R. de, Cassimiro, A. C. D., Luz, G. dos S. da, & Nascimento, C. T. M. do. (2019). Breastfeeding: The Knowledge of the Partner within the Pre-Birth Program in Rondonia, North of Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(10).