Innovation as a cross-cutting Competency in transforming Grey Literature as a tool in Training for Engineers


  • José Francisco Penido Xavier
  • Marina Rodrigues Brochado
  • Miriam Carmen Maciel da Nóbrega Pacheco


The aim of this work is to present a study which particulars the importance of storage of the content generated from searches of TCC's of graduate programs in engineering like Grey Literature of the higher education institutions in Brazil and submit the Institutions repository as innovation strategy to contribute to the development of transversal competence of the engineer. The study presents an aggregator mechanism to higher education emerging as lever of "innovation using the transversal competence in engineering and technology "noting-if the stimulation to the cultural creation and the development of scientific spirit and reflective thinking, encouraging the research and investigation. The main objective is to discuss about the need for a study to characterize the research that generate the work of completion of courses in Engineering higher education institutions in Brazil and submit the Institutional Repository), as a strategy for innovation in order to contribute to the development of transversal competence of the engineer. The discipline of projects of completion of course in engineering contribute so relevant to the professional future, once the same, while student, on the identification of a problem, learn how to get information from research, readings, reflections, discussions, among others, to respond to their needs, reducing uncertainty and promoting a new knowledge registered on the work of conclusion of course.







How to Cite

Xavier, J. F. P., Brochado, M. R., & Pacheco, M. C. M. da N. (2019). Innovation as a cross-cutting Competency in transforming Grey Literature as a tool in Training for Engineers. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(9).