When Scientific Production Enters in Field: Bibliometrics Appointments about Soccer


  • Mauricio Barth
  • Gustavo Roese Sanfelice


Soccer is an exponent of Brazilian culture and identity, being discussed and analyzed in the most varied areas and segments of the academic world. In this sense, this work aims to measure and analyze the scientific production produced on the subject. The Scopus Platform, which is the largest database of scientific reference documents in the world, has been chosen to fulfill the proposed objective. In his theoretical framework, the work presents concepts about bibliometry, with the contribution of Rodrigues et al. (2016), Araújo and Alvarenga (2011), Tolves et al. (2016) and Krauskopf (2018), and on soccer, with the contributions of Giulianotti (2010), Rossi and Mendes Jr. (2014) and Silva (2006). At the end of the study, a scientific landscape was established that quantitatively demonstrated the production of areas, countries, universities, authors and periodicals.







How to Cite

Barth, M., & Sanfelice, G. R. (2019). When Scientific Production Enters in Field: Bibliometrics Appointments about Soccer. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(3). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/961