Video Tutorial Development as Independent Learning Media in Materials Designing Teaching Based on Multimedia Presentation in IAKN Tarutung


  • Oktober Tua Aritonang


This study aims to develop video tutorials as a medium for independent learning on the material "Designing Multimedia-Based Learning Materials Presentations in IAKN Tarutung. Respondents in this study were sixth grade students of Christian Religious Education study program. This research was conducted in February until November 2017. The research method applied a mixed method, which is a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. The step of product development applied by adapting the ADDIE development model modified with R & D procedures according to Borg & Gall. Data collection was carried out by interviews, questionnaires and learning outcomes tests. After the initial prototype was developed further validation was carried out which included expert evaluation, one to one evaluation, small group evaluation and field testing or evaluation of large groups, the purpose which to refine existing deficiencies so that the product was feasible to use. Based on the results of the validation, it is known that the percentage of product feasibility based on expert design evaluations is 87% very feasible, 88% of material experts are very feasible and media experts 82% are quite feasible but still need revision. And based on one to one evaluation, 90% is very feasible, small group evaluations of 90% are very feasible and still need revision, while the results of evaluation of field test of product feasibility is 91% very feasible without need for revisions. Furthermore, based on the learning outcomes test the respondents in the field test, the average test results obtained is 80.57> 75 (Value B), which is the Standart minimum criterion, it means that the video tutorial products developed are effective







How to Cite

Aritonang, O. T. (2019). Video Tutorial Development as Independent Learning Media in Materials Designing Teaching Based on Multimedia Presentation in IAKN Tarutung. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(3).