Android app for Teaching and Learning Math for Elementary School Children


  • Ítalo Rodrigo Soares Silva
  • José Valente Coutinho Neto
  • Paulo Oliveira Siqueira Junior
  • Antônio Estanislau Sanches
  • Jorge de Almeida Brito Junior
  • David Barbosa de Alencar


The present work has as main focus the demonstration of the use of an android application as mediator and facilitator of the knowledge of mathematics for elementary school children using concepts and techniques of computational intelligence implementing the model of expert systems. For this the application will be developed in java using the android platform in order to accompany the great expansion of current technological tools such as games and multimedia applications because they are portable and facilitate the use at any time. With this, it is expected that the application will be of great use for students and teachers since they have assisted in teaching through methodologies and technological education merged in elementary schools.







How to Cite

Silva, Ítalo R. S., Neto, J. V. C., Junior, P. O. S., Sanches, A. E., Junior, J. de A. B., & Alencar, D. B. de. (2019). Android app for Teaching and Learning Math for Elementary School Children. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(3).