Design of a Visual System to Monitoring Thermal Power in Pool-Type Nuclear Research Reactor


  • Amir Zacarias Mesquita
  • Brício Mares Salles
  • Marley Rosa Luciano


Nuclear research reactors are often found in open pools, allowing visibility of the core and the bluish luminosity of the Cherenkov radiation. In general, the thermal energy released in these reactors is monitored by chambers that measure neutron flux. There are other methods used to measure the power, including: nitrogen formation, measure of the fuel rod central temperature, and the energy balance in the heat exchanger. The brightness of Cherenkov radiation is caused by the emission of visible electromagnetic radiation (in the blue band) by charged particles that pass through an insulating medium (water in research reactors) at a speed greater than that of light in this medium. The objective of this research is to propose, design, and assemble a prototype of an equipment, which uses an innovative and alternative method to monitor the power of nuclear research reactors by measuring the intensity of luminosity generated by the Cherenkov radiation produced within and around the core. An Arduino Uno board was used, with color and luminosity sensors. The work was performed simulating and monitoring experimentally in laboratory, the intensity of luminosity generated by the Cherenkov radiation. The prototype presents potential as an auxiliary methodology for measuring thermal power of research nuclear reactors. It is intended to use this measurement system in the IPR-R1 Triga reactor of the Nuclear Technology Development Center - CDTN (Brazil).







How to Cite

Mesquita, A. Z., Salles, B. M., & Luciano, M. R. (2019). Design of a Visual System to Monitoring Thermal Power in Pool-Type Nuclear Research Reactor. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(3).