Critical Review of Education Development and High Education Challenges in Brazil


  • Carla Dolezel Trindade
  • Simão Aznar Filho
  • Maria Clotilde Henriques Tavares
  • Carlos Tomaz


This article aimed to present a critical review of education development in Brazil and its major challenges for high education. Data are presented that demonstrate the inadequacy of the school model created in the nineteenth century that is obsolete to educate our young people living in a technological age of great technical revolutions. Regarding higher education, data from the 2018 Higher Education Census provided by the Ministry of Education are presented and discussed. Emphasis is given to the brain Executive Functions considered essential for the individual to be able to manage their learning processes through sustained attention and generalization of concepts. Training should be based on a didactic-pedagogical action aimed at the formation of professionals capable of formulating and solving problems, questioning and reconstructing realities at the internal, regional or national levels. It is concluded that it is essential to use active learning methodologies that have the characteristic of providing the best development of knowledge (learning to learn) and skills and attitudes (learning to do and to be).







How to Cite

Trindade, C. D., Filho, S. A., Tavares, M. C. H., & Tomaz, C. (2019). Critical Review of Education Development and High Education Challenges in Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(11).