Road intersection Analysis - Case Study in an intersection in the City of Palmas - TO


  • Thalita Resplandes de Morais
  • Alesi Teixeira Mendes
  • Flávio Vieira da Silva Júnior
  • Gleicilene Moreira Ferreira


This paper aims to perform an intersection analysis located in the municipality of Palmas - TO, the location was chosen due to the kneecap is suffering from major congestion at peak caused by the mixture of the traffic of the BR-010 with the urban traffic coming from from the Taquaralto and Taquari neighborhoods. The study site is an area with large population growth and with many traffic generating poles, causing long queues and consequently increasing the accident rate mainly at peak times. This work seeks the current flow of vehicles as well as future estimation, identification of conflict points and their proper origins. The traffic studies have provided the identification of optimal geometry for the roads that intersect in order to seek minimal solutions of boxes and shoulders as well as the ideal number of lanes on the roads and then provide the driver with safer and more comfortable traffic.







How to Cite

Morais, T. R. de, Mendes, A. T., Júnior, F. V. da S., & Ferreira, G. M. (2019). Road intersection Analysis - Case Study in an intersection in the City of Palmas - TO. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(11).