Wettability x Roughness: A Study of Ti-CP Surfaces


  • Gilvan Bomfin e Sousa
  • Marina de Oliveira Cardoso Macêdo
  • Haroldo Reis Alves de Macêdo


Commercially pure titanium has characteristics that define it as an excellent biomaterial, and for presenting these properties, it is widely used for biomedical purposes. In view of this information, studies are being conducted on titanium in order to improve its biocompatibility and adaptation with human tissue. Several types of topographic, chemical and surface analysis are proposed in order to make Ti CP an increasingly biocompatible material. The present work aimed to analyze the surface roughness and wettability of Ti CP, as well as the correlation of these properties. Twelve titanium discs with different Ra roughness grades and different orientations of this roughness were used and then a wettability analysis was performed using the sessile drop technique using water. Relationships between wettability and roughness can be made from the results obtained.







How to Cite

Sousa, G. B. e, Macêdo, M. de O. C., & Macêdo, H. R. A. de. (2019). Wettability x Roughness: A Study of Ti-CP Surfaces. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(11). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/1362