Economical analysis of a natural lighting system, through a prismatic domus, in a shed in the Manaus industrial district


  • Marcia Gabriela Fernandes da Silva
  • Joci Jane Santos de Souza
  • Hudson Diogo Araújo Marques Diogo
  • Fabiana Rocha Pinto
  • Thiago Costa de Lima


The prismatic Domus is a technology presented to show an economic analysis referring to the use of natural lighting, where the sun is an efficient and safe source of energy. Relate this technology to the environment, considering the impacts and use of natural resources and the thermal comfort of the employees working in the area of the shed, considering its length, width, right foot and total area, in addition, showing the need for preventive maintenance and corrective technology, as well as the investment values, with their respective investment returns. The objective of this study is to demonstrate an economic analysis based on the use of the Prismatic Domus, which is a source of natural energy capture, in an industrial center company in Manaus, AM, as a renewable energy source instead of fossil fuel. The object of this analysis was a shed in the industrial pole located in the city of Manaus, where the dimensions of the building's shed were measured, regarding width, length and height. Thus, it started by collecting measures from the shed, which obtained 45 x 53 x 11m, respectively. Based on NBR 5413, which deals with the interior´s illuminance and the data collection related to the shed, recorded in the dimensions of 45 x 53 x 11m respectively, a luminometrically study was carried out, where software, such as softlux in it is free version, are normally used, available to download free of charge, where you can record the information in each step of a total of 04 steps and choose from the pre-established options that meets the needs of each project. The data presented show that in the use of prismatic domus technology, the reduction with electricity consumption is 70.52% compared to the use of a lighting system that uses the utility energy. With the use of this system, using the prismatic domus, there is no concentration of light in a single point (hot spot effect), has ease of cleaning and low maintenance.




How to Cite

Silva, M. G. F. da, Souza, J. J. S. de, Diogo, H. D. A. M., Pinto, F. R., & Lima, T. C. de. (2019). Economical analysis of a natural lighting system, through a prismatic domus, in a shed in the Manaus industrial district. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(12).