Statistical Analysis of Solid Waste Generation for the Preparation of a Management System


  • Douglas Bastos Belchior de Menezes
  • Mariana Lima Almeida
  • Ana Letícia da Costa Oliveira Lima
  • Clarice Regina Coelho Tavares
  • Nilo Antonio de Souza Sampaio
  • José Wilson de Jesus Silva


The aim of this paper is to develop new technologies that directly impact the environmental reality in solid waste management and in social and environmental education.For this purpose, the focus group is the population of the university campus, where the project is developed.The synthesis project is developed by the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and by students of the Chemical Engineering course at the Faculty of Technology of Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil.Based on the types of waste generated by the campus, alternative proposals are proposed for their treatment, development of technologies that can be applied to the reality of Brazilian society and standards that encourage society to be part of the waste treatment process, generating a social impact and environmental responsibility.The initial stage of the project work is to survey the types of waste generated by the campus population so that the priority areas for the development of solutions and technological aspects are determined.It was observed that most of the residues generated were from recyclable materials, followed by non-recyclable materials, as observed in other universities, the biggest divergence was in the discrepancy of collected compostable material. After this stage, development divisions are determined for each large campus waste group, subsequently targeting the region industrial reality.




How to Cite

Menezes, D. B. B. de, Almeida, M. L., Lima, A. L. da C. O., Tavares, C. R. C., Sampaio, N. A. de S., & Silva, J. W. de J. (2020). Statistical Analysis of Solid Waste Generation for the Preparation of a Management System. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(1).