Basic life support: A Literature Review about its relevance and level of knowledge of Health Professionals


  • Andressa de Oliveira Gomes
  • Laiza de Sousa Araujo
  • Marcella Soares Carreiro Sales
  • Adriana Arruda Barbosa Rezende
  • Warly Neves de Araújo
  • Daianne Pereira Nascimento
  • Ananda Caroline Barreira da Silva
  • Adelma Martins Pereira
  • Jefferson Rodrigues de Souza
  • Pricila Zancanella
  • Mylena Galdino de Melo
  • Edilane Floriano da Silva
  • Ligiane Rodrigues de Souza
  • Jacqueline Aparecida Philipino Takada


Introduction: Basic Life Support (SHL) is the set of measures for the care of patients in cases of cardiorespiratory arrest (CRP). In the aforementioned protocol, the primary sequence of resuscitation is defined to save lives, including immediate recognition of the disease, activation of the emergency response system, early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and rapid defibrillation. Legal aspects infer that all health professionals should know how to recognize a PCR and treat it, that is, every health professional should have full dominion over the SBV. Objective: To analyze in the literature the relevance of the SBV and the level of knowledge of health professionals on the respective theme. Methodology: This is a systematic and descriptive review, carried out through searches for bibliographic references of relevant studies, in the online databases LILACS, SCIELO and other sources of information such as literary collection of Unirg University and Dialnet. The inclusion criteria were: free sources published between 2000 and 2017 in English and Portuguese. Excluding any material that did not meet the inclusion criteria. Results: Studies show that BvS is the basis of emergency care and its applicability correctly improves the prognosis of CRP victims. They also emphasize that training directed to professionals, encouraging the updating in CPR favors better quality care and outcome to the victim’s health. Conclusion: The SBV can be considered the pillar for emergency care to patients diagnosed with CRP. However, the lack of theoretical baggage since the first graduation steps and the lack of constant updating make the performance of numerous health professionals in relation to the aforementioned protocol be desired, thus harming the user of the services health care.




How to Cite

Gomes, A. de O., Araujo, L. de S., Sales, M. S. C., Rezende, A. A. B., Araújo, W. N. de, Nascimento, D. P., Silva, A. C. B. da, Pereira, A. M., Souza, J. R. de, Zancanella, P., Melo, M. G. de, Silva, E. F. da, Souza, L. R. de, & Takada, J. A. P. (2020). Basic life support: A Literature Review about its relevance and level of knowledge of Health Professionals. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(1).