Production of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Organic Substrates and Fertigation with Biodigester Effluents


  • Jocélio dos Santos Araújo
  • Armando Lopes de Brito Filho
  • Klara Cunha de Meneses
  • Renata Santos Coutinho
  • Ismael dos Santos Cabral
  • Edna Mendes Fortes
  • Rosane Claudia Rodrigues
  • Michelle de Oliveira Maia Parente
  • Henrique Nunes Parente
  • Ana Paula Ribeiro de Jesus
  • Jardel Oliveira Santos


The objective of this work was to analyze the effects of different organic substrates, fertigated with effluents from biodigesters in the production of coriander. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse, greenhouse type. It was used a completely randomized design, with three replications, in a 2x2x2 factorial arrangement, being: cultivars (king and tabocas); substrates (natural, fermented) and source of irrigation (water, biofertilizer). The size of the plants were evaluated; number of stems and yield of green mass. No significant effect was observed between the organic substrates and the coriander cultivars for any of the analyzed variables, however, regarding the irrigation source, statistical significance was observed for the variables plant size and green mass yield, and the best means were obtained when the plants were irrigated with water. It is concluded that organic substrates and coriander cultivars studied are recommended for cultivation. However, the use of concentrated biofertilizers did not increase coriander production, and more research is needed to recommend the best doses of this biofertilizer.







How to Cite

Araújo, J. dos S., Filho, A. L. de B., Meneses, K. C. de, Coutinho, R. S., Cabral, I. dos S., Fortes, E. M., Rodrigues, R. C., Parente, M. de O. M., Parente, H. N., Jesus, A. P. R. de, & Santos, J. O. (2019). Production of Coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in Organic Substrates and Fertigation with Biodigester Effluents. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8).