Approximations and Distances between the Educational Systems of Brazil and Nigeria in the Dictatorial Period (1964-1985): Some aspects


  • Adekoye Giovanni Obasa
  • Rosa Lydia Teixeira Corrêa


Military dictatorship, Nigeria, Brazil, Educational System


The purpose of this article is to show some aspects about the educational system in Brazil and Nigeria, during the dictatorial period (1964-1985). In 1964, Brazil suffered a military coup, leading to the establishment of a civil/military dictatorship that lasted until 1985. This period, when the military used repressive means and torture to suppress the opposition, generated significant changes in the educational policies. Education was seen as an important part of economic development. The army had the intention of proceeding with the industrialization project, so that educational policies were focused on the development of human capital, that is, to create a technical class that could guide the country towards greater productive growth. At the same time, the first military coup to take place in Nigeria was in 1966, which led to a series of other coups in the country, ceasing only in 1999 . This regime saw education as a government initiative, which led the state to take on missionary schools. The Universal Primary Education (UPE) program was also launched, making primary education free, in order to reduce illiteracy in the country.







How to Cite

Obasa, A. G., & Corrêa, R. L. T. (2020). Approximations and Distances between the Educational Systems of Brazil and Nigeria in the Dictatorial Period (1964-1985): Some aspects. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(6).