Creation and Implementation of a Municipal Science, Technology and Innovation System - An Experience Report


  • Danyllo Albuquerque
  • José Nilton Silva
  • Lucas Ribeiro Novais de Araújo
  • Rijkaard Dantas de Santana
  • Morganna Karolinne Lúcio Alves Tito
  • Raquel Barros Leal


Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) has the power to disrupt the old and consolidated political, social, cultural and economic paradigms of society. For effective ST&I actions to take place in a society, the participation of the business sector, ST&I institutions and, above all, the constituted public administration is necessary. This experience report aims to describe the process used to create and implement the ST&I municipal system. A case study was carried out in Campina Grande, one of the largest and most developed municipalities in the interior of Brazil. The results of the study indicate that the integration between the public administration, business and academic sector as well as the effective participation of the ST&I institutions was essential for the creation of a legal ordering for ST&I that would meet the specificities of the municipality in question.







How to Cite

Albuquerque, D., Silva, J. N., Araújo, L. R. N. de, Santana, R. D. de, Tito, M. K. L. A., & Leal, R. B. (2019). Creation and Implementation of a Municipal Science, Technology and Innovation System - An Experience Report. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8).