Knowledge rate of students of the nursing graduation course on Basic Life Support


  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira
  • Luciane Caroline Ferreira de Azevedo Emim
  • Mayco Tadeu Vaz Silva
  • Marcilene Souza da Silveira
  • Karolayne Teles Costa
  • Letícia dos Santos Cruz
  • Lívia Karolina Silva de Oliveira
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho
  • Simone Aguiar da Silva Figueira
  • Cinthya Lorena Bezerra Sarmanho
  • Márcio Almeida Lins
  • Elieni Santana de Abreu
  • Joyce da Silva Pantoja
  • Simone Batista da Silva dos Santos
  • Nathália Conceição Gonçalves Dalmacio
  • Fábyla D’ Tácia Brito Trindade
  • Eimar Neri de Oliveira Junior
  • Leliane do Nascimento do Espírito Santo
  • Adams Brunno Silva
  • Evelyn Amorim Coelho
  • Karla Christina Bernardes
  • Caroline Marinho Pereira
  • Bruna Camila Blans Moreira
  • Wanda Carla Conde Rodrigues
  • Glauber Marcelo Dantas Seixas
  • Viviane Ferraz Ferreira de Aguiar
  • Cinthya Lorena Bezerra Sarmanho
  • Eloísa Avelino de Sousa França
  • Elizabeth Valente Barbosa
  • Shirley Iara Martins Dourado
  • Tobias do Rosário Serrão
  • Manuella Matos de Azevedo
  • Tanymara Xavier de Morais
  • Dayhane Souza da Conceição
  • Izadora Larissa Cei Lima
  • Gabriel Itaparica de Oliveira
  • Manoel Vitor Martins Marinho
  • Deisiane da Silva Mesquita
  • Gabriela Oliveira da Silva
  • Brena do Socorro Correa de Oliveira
  • Widson Davi Vaz de Matos
  • Jasmin Stephany Savaris dos Santos
  • Otávio Noura Teixeira
  • Antonia Margareth Moita Sá


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Bachelor of Nursing, Education in Nursing


Objective: to analyze the knowledge of students of the Undergraduate Nursing Course of a Private Higher Education Institution in Belem, State of Pará, Brazil on Basic Life Support. Method: A cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory study with a quantitative approach was carried out from September to October 2018. Result: In the evaluation of knowledge about Basic Life Support, on a scale of 0 to 100 points, it was verified that the lowest grade was 20.6 points and the highest was 90.4. The mean was 63.5 points, with a standard deviation of 15.5. The median was 64 points, with the interquartile deviation of 20 points (54 to 74 points). It was evidenced that 62% of the students had a grade lower than 70 points. And 19% scored less than 50 points. The population studied has reduced, and sometimes inadequate, knowledge about cardiorespiratory arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which may compromise the care provided, leading to damages to resuscitation and, consequently, to contribute to the appearance and / or aggravation of sequels, impacting on increased morbidity and mortality. Conclusion: it is understood that it is fundamental to establish training and evaluation of these, in a theoretical and practical, as a way to optimize and consolidate knowledge even during academic training.







How to Cite

Nogueira, M. de A., Emim, L. C. F. de A., Silva, M. T. V., Silveira, M. S. da, Costa, K. T., Cruz, L. dos S., Oliveira, L. K. S. de, Marinho, T. A., Figueira, S. A. da S., Sarmanho, C. L. B., Lins, M. A., Abreu, E. S. de, Pantoja, J. da S., Santos, S. B. da S. dos, Dalmacio, N. C. G., Trindade, F. D. T. B., Junior, E. N. de O., Santo, L. do N. do E., Silva, A. B., … Sá, A. M. M. (2020). Knowledge rate of students of the nursing graduation course on Basic Life Support. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(6).