Three-phase DC-AC converter with LCL filter for distributed microgeneration with null error in steady state


  • Viviane Barrozo da Silva
  • Antonio Carlos Duarte Ricciotti
  • Hebert Sancho Garcez Militão
  • Júlio Sancho Teixeira Militão
  • Álvaro Daniel Hartmann Siliprandi
  • Wilson Domingos e Silva
  • Adailton Braga Júnior
  • Lillian Kathleen Dias Luz
  • Sandra da Cruz Garcia do Espírito Santo Aguiar
  • Diego Lima Veiga


Converter DC-AC, Vector control, Filter LCL, Inverter, Distributed microgeneration


This article presents a digital control for a three-phase DC-AC converter with four wires with LCL filter that makes up the inverter module of a distributed microgeneration system, which guarantees a zero error in a permanent regime and can be connected to any generation and minimizes high-frequency current harmonics injected into the network. The inverter control system is based on a triangular carrier, which uses: an internal mesh to control the grid current. In the simulated tests, good functioning of this control technique was verified, even when faced with the variation of the impedance of the distribution network in the PCC, a satisfactory response of the dynamic behavior of the control system was obtained with the efficient control of the active and reactive power and the guarantee of a null error on a steady state.







How to Cite

Silva, V. B. da, Ricciotti, A. C. D., Militão, H. S. G., Militão, J. S. T., Siliprandi, Álvaro D. H., Silva, W. D. e, Júnior, A. B., Luz, L. K. D., Aguiar, S. da C. G. do E. S., & Veiga, D. L. (2020). Three-phase DC-AC converter with LCL filter for distributed microgeneration with null error in steady state. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(6).