The School’s Role in the Social Training of Young People in High School in the Municipality of Santa Teresa, E.S.


  • Marcus Vinicius Sandoval Paixão
  • Helio Pena de Faria Júnior
  • Frederico César Ribeiro Marques
  • José Julio Garcia Freitas
  • Charles Moreto
  • Polyana Pulcheira Paixão


The research aims at the actions developed within the school, showing the importance of the social formation aspect in the educational process of the student. The objective of this study was to diagnose the performance of the school in the social formation of high school youth in the municipality of Santa Teresa. The sample was probabilistic, applying questionnaires to students and teachers in four high schools in the municipality of Santa Teresa. The results revealed that the paradigms used have low performance in the social formation of students. Even considering the importance of the school in the formation of the young person, with respect to the personal relationship, behavior, attitudes and values in the family, social and school environment, we observe that it does not reach its objectives. We conclude that the school is not managing to lead young people to the standard demanded by the educational culture that aims at learning in other domains, with low performance in the social formation of young people of the municipality.







How to Cite

Paixão, M. V. S., Júnior, H. P. de F., Marques, F. C. R., Freitas, J. J. G., Moreto, C., & Paixão, P. P. (2019). The School’s Role in the Social Training of Young People in High School in the Municipality of Santa Teresa, E.S. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8).