The prevalence of sexual abuse of children and adolescents people in the municipality of Tucuruí - PA and region in the period from 2010 to 2016


  • Jamille da Costa Salvador
  • Sivaldo Oliveira da Silva Júnior
  • Raquel da Silva
  • Merivalda Vasconcelos Lobato
  • Thais Santos de Sousa
  • Ana Larissa Bendelaqui Cardoso
  • Vitória Caroline dos Santos de Souza
  • Karen Silva de Castro


public health, violence, sexual violence, child sexual violence, combating child sexual exploitation, breaking the silence of sexual abuse


Introduction: Child and youth sexual abuse is considered one of the biggest public health problems. Because of this, this work aims to identify by DATASUS the epidemiological profile of children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse in the municipalities of Tucuruí and region in the period from 2010 to 2016. Materials and Methods: In order to carry out this research, quantitative and qualitative research and epidemiological analysis of bibliographic character were used. The collection of quantitative data was performed by the DATASUS platform through the epidemiological survey of children and adolescents victims of sexual abuse <1 to 14 years old. Results and Discussion: Through data collection performed on the DATASUS platform, we obtained the number of reported cases of sexual abuse in Tucuruí and region (Pacajá, Parauapebas, Breu Branco, Goianésia do Pará, Novo Repartimento), from 2010 to 2016. After analyzing the data, it was observed that in this period there was an increase in the number of victims of sexual abuse in the municipalities mentioned between the age range of <1 to 14 in both genders. Final Considerations: Sexual abuse is still taboo in our society and many cases are not reported due to fear, shame and even the dependence in which they find themselves in relation to the perpetrators. As a result, lectures, preventive and educational programs are needed for children and adolescents so that both understand that abuse is a crime according to § 4 of Law 12,015 of August 7, 2009.







How to Cite

Salvador, J. da C., Júnior, S. O. da S., Silva, R. da, Lobato, M. V., Sousa, T. S. de, Cardoso, A. L. B., de Souza, V. C. dos S., & Castro, K. S. de. (2020). The prevalence of sexual abuse of children and adolescents people in the municipality of Tucuruí - PA and region in the period from 2010 to 2016. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(7).