Environmental Compliance: Search for Effectiveness in the Application of Environmental Standards


  • Priscila Elise Alves Vasconcelos
  • Rafael Carvalho Rezende Oliveira
  • Paulo Sergio Vasconcelos


Since the advent of the Lava Jato operation, the term compliance has acquired a hitherto unknown popularity. Although it has been related to criminal guardianship, it takes care of a perfectly possible strategic management in the most diverse branches of law. In this study, the compliance is approached within the environmental sphere, as an instrument of feasibility and effectiveness of legal norms and practices in favor of environmental protection. Much is questioned whether the practice of compliance is mandatory or to what extent would be of great value for the development and business performance. In the environmental aspect, the research demonstrates that the preventive nature of this governance technique can bring current and future benefits. In addition, there is, implicitly, the approach to the concept of sustainability within the objectives described by the United Nations. To carry on this study, a bibliographic research was developed, based on selected scientific articles, as well as Brazilian doctrine and legislation pertinent to the theme. The achieved results of the research demonstrated that applicability of compliance practice in the environmental matters can be adopted in view of its preventive nature.







How to Cite

Vasconcelos, P. E. A., Oliveira, R. C. R., & Vasconcelos, P. S. (2019). Environmental Compliance: Search for Effectiveness in the Application of Environmental Standards. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(8). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/229