Wealth of “New Economy” Organizations: A Historical Outline


  • Daniele Fernandes Rodrigues
  • Carlos Henrique Medeiros de Souza
  • Luiz Renato de Souza Justiniano
  • Laís Teixeira Lima
  • Moniki Aguiar Mozzer Denucci


Journalistic organizations, tangible asset, intangible asset and goodwill


This article brings up the term “New Economy” which is the concept of doing business in the digital era, when the exchange value is information, when distances do not exist and almost everything is just a click away. In this scenario, organizations stop acting in isolation and start acting in synergy, partnership, and with the ability to join companies from different sectors to generate an independent business. In times of organizations of the “New Economy” it is important to consider wealth in two aspects: tangible (with its quantifiable assets) and intangible (brands, prestige, reliability, knowledge).Since with the acceleration of the technology application and development of information, the intangible started to configure a portion of great value in organizations, mainly the journalistic ones that adhered to a new way of distribution and circulation of information through cyberspace and cyberculture, a change that gives it an intangible asset of extreme potential for generating future benefits, called wealth. Within this perspective, organizations, especially journalistic ones, have sought and have sought new ways to survive in the digital environment, since the new value chain of the digital age is different from the traditional one, being the keyword sharing. Thus, to substantiate this article, the various cases of the thesis Business model and management for news portals of the “New Economy” were used as a basis to portray what happened in the journalistic industry. It is concluded that the future of the newspaper is intrinsically linked to digital media, which requires an increasingly intelligent and collaborative environment, with the active participation of all agents involved, which further corroborates the supremacy of intangible wealth.







How to Cite

Rodrigues, D. F., de Souza, C. H. M., Justiniano, L. R. de S., Lima, L. T., & Denucci, M. A. M. (2020). Wealth of “New Economy” Organizations: A Historical Outline. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(7). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2325