The Relevance of the inclusion of fish in the Human Food and Nutritional Diet


  • Henrique Pereira de Aquino
  • René Geraldo Cordeiro Silva Junior


fishing, food security, network tank, environment, water resource


This article is an excerpt from the research entitled “Potentialities and Weaknesses of Artisanal Fisheries and Pisciculture in Tanque Rede in the Municipality of Sobradinho-Bahia”, whose objective was to get to know the current reality of family fish farming and business fishing in the Sobradinho lake, specifically in the city of Sobradinho where this practice excels in the sub-middle São Francisco region. It is a quantitative and qualitative research, involving documentary analysis in the fishermen's colony, interviews recorded with the use of forms, both with artisanal fishermen and with businessmen, in order to diagnose their ways of life, work and future expectations. The sample consisted of twenty fishermen and family fishermen and six entrepreneurs who raise tilapia in a net tank, chosen at random. The data were processed by the software SAS - Statiscal Analysis Sistem, where the variables were registered in the columns and the observations in the lines, pointing out that extractive fishing is decreasing, due to the reduction of species in the São Francisco River, while fish farming net tank is on the rise in the municipality, given the favorable environmental conditions, with a positive impact on the food security of the riverside population.




How to Cite

Aquino, H. P. de, & Junior, R. G. C. S. (2020). The Relevance of the inclusion of fish in the Human Food and Nutritional Diet. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(9).