Effects of Water Deficiency on Plants of Acacia mangium Willd


  • Hallefy Elias Fernandes
  • Susana Cristine Siebeneichler
  • Marciane Cristina Dotto
  • Karolinne Pereira Cabral
  • Sara Bezerra Bandeira
  • Flavia Barreira Gonçalves
  • Magno De Oliveira
  • Eduardo Andrea Lemus Erasmo


The water deficit causes direct effects on the physiology of plants, affecting the biochemical reactions which results in reduction or stoppage of growth. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of water deficit on gas exchange, water relations, accumulation of solute proline and activity of antioxidant enzymes in seedlings of Acacia mangium Willd., the statistical design was completely randomized design (DIC), represented by four water treatments (100; 60; 40 and 30% of field capacity) with 12 repetitions. Were evaluated at gas exchange ratio, leaf water potential, relative water content, activity of antioxidant enzymes, proline, and dry masses of leaves, stem, root and total. Gaseous Exchange in plants of Acacia mangium Willd., were influenced by reduced water availability in the soil. Treatment with 30% of field capacity presented greater accumulation of the amino acid proline content. There has been increased activity of antioxidant enzyme catalase in Acacia mangium Willd., in the treatment with 30% capacity field. In the production of dry matter to the most sensitive to water deficiency was the dry mass of leaves and stems, the treatments with 30% and 40% of field capacity.







How to Cite

Fernandes, H. E., Siebeneichler, S. C., Dotto, M. C., Cabral, K. P., Bandeira, S. B., Gonçalves, F. B., Oliveira, M. D., & Erasmo, E. A. L. (2019). Effects of Water Deficiency on Plants of Acacia mangium Willd. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(9). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/27