“Bicycle” Model for Interdisciplinary approach in Parkinson’s Disease


  • Thais de Rezende Bessa-Guerra
  • Marco Orsini
  • Marco Antonio Alves Azizi
  • Jacqueline Stephanie Fernandes do Nascimento
  • Thiago Rodrigues Gonçalves
  • Nicolle dos Santos Moraes Nunes
  • Renata Rodrigues Teixeira Castro
  • Adalgiza Mafra Moreno


Interdisciplinary, Quality of life, Parkinson's disease, Neurodegenerative disordens, Health care


Parkinson's disease is a multifaceted and symptomatically complex neurodegenerative condition, considered the second most prevalent neuroaging disease, compromising quality of life as the disease progresses. To improve the quality of life, some evidence points to a health model based on interdisciplinarity, however its real benefits are still limited in the literature, compared to the traditional monotherapeutic approach. The objective of this study was to develop a review containing a dynamic, comprehensive methodology, with a modern vision to address the main points of interest that are represented in the research model called "bicycle model". Based on this method involving the interdisciplinary approach on the determinants of health status in Parkinson's disease. The results present strategies to collect data from questions about morbidity, quality of life, health determinants (disease) and disease characteristics. The final considerations presented show that different perspectives result in a broad scope for the interdisciplinary approach, by different professionals within their expertise, with improvement in the quality of life of this research population.




How to Cite

Bessa-Guerra, T. de R., Orsini, M., Alves Azizi, M. A., do Nascimento, J. S. F., Gonçalves, T. R., Nunes, N. dos S. M., Castro, R. R. T., & Moreno, A. M. (2020). “Bicycle” Model for Interdisciplinary approach in Parkinson’s Disease. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(11). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2757