Covid-19 and the role of nursing in Maintenance of Mental Health


  • Izadora Larissa Cei Lima
  • Breno Gabriel Cei Lima
  • Itala Zilda Lima Da Silva
  • Iliane Gabriela De Lima
  • Ilze Aparecida Lima Lobato
  • Andrezza Roberta Alves Raposo
  • Francisca Dérliene Neves De Oliveira
  • Najara Paiva Dos Santos
  • Patricia Do Socorro Coelho Portal
  • Jackline Leite De Oliveira
  • Raquel Correa Costa
  • Layse Lopes Ferreira
  • Leidiane Araújo Silva
  • Mércia Lannara Alves De Arruda
  • Fabio Rodrigues Da Silva Junior
  • Luana Da Silva Freitas
  • Francisco Gemerson Pessoa Barros
  • Paula Fernanda Alves Batista
  • Elizabeth Cristina Ferreira Coimbra
  • Heide Da Silva Cardoso
  • Philip Daniel Toth
  • Thayse Kelly Da Silva Martino
  • Cláudia Catarina De Andrade Monteiro
  • Brenda De Fátima De Oliveira Lima
  • Rudy Cleyton Da Silva Oliveira
  • Irlan Menezes Da Paixão
  • Gabriel Itaparica De Oliveira


Covid-19, Nursing, Mental health


This research presents itself as a bibliographic review about Covid-19 and the role of nursing in maintaining mental health. Aiming to analyse the mode of nursing assistance for maintaining the mental health of individuals in the midst of a global pandemic, emphasizing what the United Nations Organization (UNO) determines in its guiding guide for mental health care of several groups, since in the midst of the pandemic situation we are in, it is of paramount importance to prevent mental health problems, including anxiety and depression.




How to Cite

Lima, I. L. C., Cei Lima, B. G., Silva, I. Z. L. D., De Lima, I. G., Lobato, I. A. L., Alves Raposo, A. R., Oliveira, F. D. N. D., Santos, N. P. D., Portal, P. D. S. C., Oliveira, J. L. D., Costa, R. C., Ferreira, L. L., Silva, L. A., De Arruda, M. L. A., Silva Junior, F. R. D., Freitas, L. D. S., Barros, F. G. P., Batista, P. F. A., Coimbra, E. C. F., … Oliveira, G. I. D. (2020). Covid-19 and the role of nursing in Maintenance of Mental Health. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(11).