Nursing teaching in emergency care in a mass event: Experience report


  • Renata Campos de Sousa Borges
  • Pollyane Aparecida Ferreira da Silva
  • Luciana Moreira Batista
  • Gleyce Pinto Girard
  • Pamela Nery do Lago
  • Jaqueline Cardoso Marcena
  • Samuel Oliveira da Vera
  • Danielle Oliveira Maciel
  • Marcio Almeida Lins
  • Lourival Freitas da Silva Netto
  • Vanessa de Nazaré Mendes Favacho
  • Lucilena Estumano Almeida
  • Eimar Neri de Oliveira Junior
  • Elyade Nelly Pires Rocha Camacho
  • Danielle Rêgo Gonçalves
  • Isabelle Dias da Silva
  • Larissa Carolina Dias de Souza
  • Izabel Silva Carvalho
  • Fabio Feitosa Camacho
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho
  • Simone Aguiar da Silva Figueira
  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira
  • Suane Priscila dos Santos Antunes
  • Vinícius da Rocha Fróes
  • Adilson Mendes de Figueiredo Júnior
  • Lauany Silva de Medeiros
  • Karolinne do Socorro Sousa Neves
  • Haroldo Gonçalves de Jesus
  • Heide da Silva Cardoso
  • Tailine da Silva Santos
  • Natália Ribeiro Batista
  • Gabrielle Reis de Nazaré
  • Lucilene Lima Sousa
  • Bruna Carolina da Trindade Monteiro da Silva
  • Ana Carolina Lisboa Caldas
  • Mauro Sávio Sarmento Pinheiro
  • Luciene Maria dos Reis
  • Denise Karla de Abreu Silva
  • Marlene Simões e Silva
  • Paulo Alaércio Beata
  • Jofre Jacob da Silva Freitas
  • Milena Coelho Fernandes Caldato
  • Antonia Margareth Moita Sá


Mass Casualty Incidents, Education, Nursing, Emergencies, Emergency Treatment, Emergency Nursing


Objective: to reflect on the knowledge, skills and abilities that should be fostered during academic nursing education for an effective professional performance in the face of a mass event, describing the experience of professors and students of the Nursing Undergraduate course in emergency teaching in this scenario. Methods: experience report, with participatory observation, experienced by teachers and students in nursing education in Urgent and Emergency care during mass events in partnership with the Brazilian Red Cross. The experience took place between September and October 2019, from the training process of the volunteers to the days of the event. Results: at the help stations, strategically dimensioned along the procession path, the students developed diversified actions, involving the management of the environment, planning and direct care. Such experience is a strategy that values the construction of knowledge in a participatory and questioning way, allowing direct contact with the user, providing a unique opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in the academy, develop skills and dexterity in nursing actions, in addition to work as a team with the various actors in the state Urgency and Emergency network. Conclusion: the reflective study allowed us to glimpse several aspects regarding the thematic pillars peculiarities that involve nursing teaching in mass events, allowing to raise discussions about the competencies and skills essential to the performance of nurses and teaching strategies to promote teaching in this context.




How to Cite

Borges, R. C. de S., Silva, P. A. F. da, Batista, L. M., Girard, G. P., Lago, P. N. do, Marcena, J. C., da Vera, S. O., Maciel, D. O., Lins, M. A., Netto, L. F. da S., Favacho, V. de N. M., Almeida, L. E., Junior, E. N. de O., Camacho, E. N. P. R., Gonçalves, D. R., Silva, I. D. da, Souza, L. C. D. de, Carvalho, I. S., Camacho, F. F., … Moita Sá, A. M. (2020). Nursing teaching in emergency care in a mass event: Experience report. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(11).