Tuberculosis and the under reporting of cases that evolved to death: Integrative Literature Review


  • Ana Caroline Guedes Souza Martins
  • Elidiane de Carvalho Ribeiro
  • Jackline Leite de Oliveira
  • Antônia Roberta Mitre Sampaio
  • Rodrigo Batista Balieiro
  • Marcela Feitosa de Oliveira
  • Jhon Elis Cruz de Lima
  • Luciana Moreira Batista
  • Wesley Brandão Dias
  • Denise de Fátima Ferreira Cardoso
  • Ana Luisa Lemos Bezerra
  • Monike Karina Macedo Soares
  • Izabela Moreira Pinto
  • Eris Felipe Santos da Silva
  • Felipe Macedo Vale
  • Hector Brenno da Silva Cagni
  • Larissa Maria Soares Ribeiro
  • Alessandra Silva Pantoja
  • Liandra Silva Lopes
  • Márcia Geovanna Araújo Paz
  • Raisa Oksana Lídia Ellis Freire de Sena Garcia da Silva
  • Lauro Nascimento de Souza
  • Ana Júlia Góes Maués
  • Iasmim Ianne Sousa Tavares
  • Evelyn Rafaela de Almeida dos Santos
  • Rosália Cardoso da Silva da Silva
  • Ely dos Santos Farias
  • Alda Lima Lemos
  • Thamyres da Silva Martins
  • Daniele Lima dos Anjos Reis
  • Taynnara de Oliveira do Espírito Santo Cunha
  • ,Juliana de Oliveira Bezerra
  • Renata Campos de Sousa Borges
  • Milena Coelho Fernandes Caldato
  • Larissa Lima Figueira Freire
  • Lidiane de Nazaré Noronha Ferreira Baia
  • Sabrina Macambira Guerra da Rocha
  • Alex de Oliveira Vasconcelos
  • Alana de Oliveira Barrêto
  • Tayana Patrícia Santana Oliveira de Sá
  • Jordânia Guimarães Silva
  • Tereza Cristina Abreu Tavares
  • Simone Melo dos Santos
  • Luceme Martins Silva
  • Adriane Maria Bezerra da Silva
  • Thalyta Mayssa Paiva das Neves2 Neves
  • , Paula Carolina Lima de Aviz
  • Luciene dos Santos Paes
  • Emanuelle Silva Mendes
  • Kely da Silva Barros
  • Pamela Nery do Lago Lago
  • Anderson Lineu Siqueira dos Santos
  • Tatyellen Natasha da Costa Oliveira


Objective: This study aims to analyze the trends in scientific production on deaths from tuberculosis and the underreporting of cases, through the analysis of the behavior of notifications from health information systems. MethodIt is an integrative review of the literature by searching the databases, with the time frame between the years 2010 to 2020. For the treatment of the data, the technique of content analysis was used, with categorization of the findings. Eleven complete original articles were selected that answer the central question of the research, which were grouped in tables according to author, title, journal, year of publication, indexation base, objectives, methodologies and evidence. Results: The analysis of the literature made it possible to elaborate three categories based on relevant points, namely: Category 1- Linkage between health information systems; Surveillance of the Death of Tuberculosis; 2 -Tuberculosis Death Surveillance Actions. Studies indicate that a large part of deaths from tuberculosis are not included in the Notifiable Diseases Information System (SINAN) and Mortality Information System (SIM).Conclusion: This study shows the need to intensify the actions of tuberculosis death surveillance to increase the completeness of information systems, reduce underreporting and the number of unresolved cases, train and supervise the performance of the Primary Health Care health teams and the quality of filling out death certificates and compulsory notification, in addition to intensifying disease control strategies.




How to Cite

Martins, A. C. G. S., Ribeiro, E. de C., Oliveira, J. L. de, Sampaio, A. R. M., Balieiro, R. B., Oliveira, M. F. de, de Lima, J. E. C., Batista, L. M., Dias, W. B., Cardoso, D. de F. F., Bezerra, A. L. L., Soares, M. K. M., Pinto, I. M., da Silva, E. F. S., Vale, F. M., Cagni, H. B. da S., Ribeiro, L. M. S., Pantoja, A. S., Lopes, L. S., … Oliveira, T. N. da C. (2020). Tuberculosis and the under reporting of cases that evolved to death: Integrative Literature Review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12).