Systematization of Nursing Care for Pediatric Users with Congenital Vascular Disease: Experience Report


  • Maria Bárbara Freire Lameira
  • José Eduardo Resende Campos
  • Luciana Maria Andrade Neri
  • Fernando Conceição de Lima
  • Marildete da Conceição Paula
  • Tatiane de Souza Vasconcelos
  • Brenda Tanielle Dutra Ramos
  • Rosana Cristina Coqueiro Campos
  • Fábia Jamilli Nascimento da Silva
  • Adrielly Cristiny Mendonça Fonseca
  • Vitória Leite de Lima
  • Luceny Oliveira Mendes
  • Daniel Lucas Costa Monteiro
  • Lorena de Paula de Souza Barroso
  • Haroldo Gonçalves de Jesus
  • André Luiz Gama de Oliveira
  • Matheus Almeida Ramalho
  • Virgínia Mercês Lara Pessoa Oliveira
  • Mayara Melo Galvão
  • Weber Marcos
  • Letícia Diogo de Oliveira Moura
  • Juliana Raiyanni Sousa Neto
  • Marcos Miranda Rodrigues
  • Milena Faráh Damous Castanho Ferreira
  • Jaqueline Cardoso Marcena
  • Fabíola Leonir Moreira Campos


Nursing, Nursing Care, Chid, cardiovascular disease, Child Health.


Objective: to report the experience of applying Nursing Care Systematization to pediatric users with Congenital Vascular Disease. Methods: This is a descriptive study, like an experience report. The sample selection followed the non-probabilistic criterion, where the participant was included in the study for convenience. Nursing Care Systematization was applied to a minor who was admitted to the Metropolitan Hospital in the city of Belem/PA - Brazil. The precautions were taken care by nurse and governess stage, along with academics from the 9th span the of the Bachelor of Nursing course at a private Higher Education Institution. He carried out the monitoring of the child span the 02/10/2020 to 04/03/2020. In order to construct the present report, six moments were obeyed: in the first moment, the trainees' history of the child was known, in the second moment, the Nursing Problems were listed, in the third moment, the Affected patterns, the fourth time, scored to the Diagnostic the Nursing as the North American Nursing Diagnosis International (NANDA-I), the fifth time, outlined if the expected results, Finally, the sixth time - the Nursing Prescriptions. Results: Patient remains hospitalized, under the care of the team, stable, bandaging the operating room every 4 days, waiting to perform an embolization action that is still in the process of releasing material. Conclusion: The application of the Nursing Assistance Systematization enabled a unique and specific planning to meet the user's demands, through the nursing problems encountered, giving quality to the development of care and user satisfaction.




How to Cite

Lameira, M. B. F., Campos, J. E. R., Neri, L. M. A., de Lima, F. C., Paula, M. da C., Vasconcelos, T. de S., Dutra Ramos, B. T., Campos, R. C. C., da Silva, F. J. N., Fonseca, A. C. M., de Lima, V. L., Mendes, L. O., Monteiro, D. L. C., Barroso, L. de P. de S., de Jesus, H. G., de Oliveira, A. L. G., Ramalho, M. A., Oliveira, V. M. L. P., Galvão, M. M., … Campos, F. L. M. (2020). Systematization of Nursing Care for Pediatric Users with Congenital Vascular Disease: Experience Report. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12).