Factors that Influence Organizational Climate in an Institution of Higher Education in the State of Tocantins


  • Saulo Lopes Fonseca
  • Laura Carneiro Silva
  • Debora Rodrigues Coelho
  • Weder Ferreira dos Santos
  • Layanni Ferreira Sódre Santos
  • Luelly Maciel Oliveira
  • Jéssica Passarinho Glória
  • Laina Pires Rosa
  • Magno De Oliveira


Organizational climate (CO) is commonly defined as an arrangement of estimable properties of the work environment, being these properties noticed directly or indirectly by the individuals that attend and work in this environment and that interferes in the motivation and the behavior of these people. The present work brings the organizational climate as an indicator of satisfaction of the members of a certain company located in the state of Tocantins, taking into account different aspects of the culture and the current reality of the institution in question. So, the results of the applied research in this institution will reveal the reality observed by the collaborators and not only what happens legitimately.







How to Cite

Fonseca, S. L., Silva, L. C., Coelho, D. R., Santos, W. F. dos, Santos, L. F. S., Oliveira, L. M., Glória, J. P., Rosa, L. P., & Oliveira, M. D. (2019). Factors that Influence Organizational Climate in an Institution of Higher Education in the State of Tocantins. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/29