Warehouse "Ovos da Caatinga" Production and Marketing of Eggs from Rural Hen for Sustainable Community Development in the Municipality of Juazeiro - Bahia


  • Aluísio Sampaio Neto
  • José Lincoln Pinheiro Araújo
  • Clecia Simone Gonçalves Rosa Pacheco


Entrepreneurship, Development, Sustainable, Warehousing, Eggs


The people of the Community of Canoa, in Juazeiro - Bahia, live with natural restrictions typical of the region of the Brazilian semiarid, with scarce and irregular rains, therefore, they seek in the potentialities of the region the resources for the maintenance of life in the locality. The breeding of small animals, such as chicken, has always been an economic activity practiced by rural families in the interior of the Semiarid northeast. In search of sustainability in the Caatinga, public institutions at the federal and state level invested in the construction of a small chicken egg warehouse in the community, to receive local production and market the product in the municipality of Juazeiro.




How to Cite

Neto, A. S., Araújo, J. L. P., & Pacheco, C. S. G. R. (2020). Warehouse "Ovos da Caatinga" Production and Marketing of Eggs from Rural Hen for Sustainable Community Development in the Municipality of Juazeiro - Bahia. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2943