Evaluation of the Current Situation of Agricultural Production and Study on Technology Orientations in Agriculture for the North-Central Region-Vietnam in the Climate Change Background


  • Hoang Anh Nguyen Thi
  • Hoai Nam Do


North Central region, agricultural production, science and technology


The North Central Coast (NCC) is one of seven economic regions with a master plan for socio-economic development. North Central region, Vietnam is one of seven economic regions assigned by the Government of Vietnam to make a master plan for socio-economic. Due to the geographical feature of the territory stretching, narrow and wide, sandwiched between the East Sea and the Truong Son Range, the protected area is greatly affected strongly by climate change. Extreme weather conditions (droughts, floods, etc.) occur in a short time, leading to the production of agricultural strengths of the region such as food crops (rice, maize, cassava) and cattle herds (buffaloes, cows) and industrial crops (sugarcane, tea, rubber, pepper) all fell sharply. Moreover, the application of technology to agricultural production in the region is generally not commensurate with the potential. Facing the new context of climate change and its consequences, the application of high technology of agriculture is more complicated, requiring us to choose the appropriate technology orientation. Therefore, the evaluation of the status of agricultural production and the study of priority technology orientations in agriculture in the northern central region in the context of climate change are meaningful and practical for managers in local. Research in the North Central Coast region is also an initial proposal, promising to be a premise for application of research in other localities across the country.




How to Cite

Nguyen Thi, H. A., & Do, H. N. (2021). Evaluation of the Current Situation of Agricultural Production and Study on Technology Orientations in Agriculture for the North-Central Region-Vietnam in the Climate Change Background. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 7(12). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/2984