Classroom experiences in a virtual teaching environment in times of Covid-19 pandemic: Reports of experience in urgency and emergency nursing education


  • Glauber Marcelo Dantas Seixas
  • Susi dos Santos Barreto de Souza
  • Emerson Glauber Abreu dos Santos
  • Lucimario Valente Ferreira
  • Jessika Cardoso de Souza
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho
  • Enderson Vasconcelos de Lima
  • Samuel Oliveira da Vera
  • Gisela Pereira Xavier Albuquerque
  • Wanda Carla Conde Rodrigues
  • Marcio Almeida Lins
  • Eimar Neri de Oliveira Junior
  • Tatiane Peniche da Silva
  • Jaqueline Cardoso Marcena
  • Arthur Henrique Almeida de Lima
  • Elielson Varlindo Reis Filho
  • Elen Vanessa Martins Soares
  • Marta Cleonice Cordeiro de Assunção
  • Danielly Guerra de Aguiar
  • Camila Evelyn de Sousa Brito
  • Wenderson Melo Martins
  • Janaina de Freitas Vale
  • Nayara Nafaelle dos Santos Cordeiro
  • Mayco Tadeu Vaz Silva
  • Roberta Amanda Silva Monteiro
  • Ana Larissa Bendelaqui Cardoso
  • Amanda Nunes Pinheiro
  • Hermana Rayanne Lucas de Andrade Bender
  • Eliane de Brito Pereira
  • Diélig Teixeira
  • Elyade Nelly Pires Rocha Camacho
  • Fabio Feitosa Camacho
  • Luziana Barros Correia
  • Mayara Barreto Feliz
  • Natália Ribeiro Batista
  • Flávia Cristina Duarte Silva
  • Regina de Oliveira Benedito
  • Marlene Simões e Silva
  • Cristiane Costa da Cruz
  • Luciana de Oliveira Roxo
  • Mauro Sávio Sarmento Pinheiro
  • Bruna Carolina da Trindade Monteiro da Silva
  • Brena Carolina Andrade Bordalo Sampaio
  • Daiane Sabrina Neves Oliveira
  • Wilmara das Neves Bentes
  • Maressa dos Santos Castro
  • Rejane Costa do Rêgo
  • Suéllem da Costa Lima
  • Samara Correa Muto, Danielle Oliveira Maciel
  • Tania de Sousa Pinheiro Medeiros
  • Gilvana Rodrigues de Oliveira
  • Gleyce Pinto Girard
  • Anderson Lineu Siqueta dos Santos
  • Tatyellen Natasha da Costa Oliveira
  • Darllene Lucas de Andrade
  • Andressa Silva Coelho
  • Simone Aguiar da Silva Figueira
  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira
  • Otávio Noura Teixeira
  • Jofre Jacob da Silva Freitas
  • Antonia Margareth Moita Sá
  • Danielle Rêgo Gonçalves
  • Viviane Pinto


Teaching, Learning, Education, Nursing, Emergencies


Objective: to describe some perceptions about the experience of the virtual teaching period and reflect on some of the impacts of the transition from classroom to classroom in a virtual environment in higher education in nursing that occurred during the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus. Method: this is an experience report, with participatory observation about the experiences of teachers of the Bachelor of Nursing course at Escola Superior da Amazônia (ESAMAZ), Belém, State of Pará, about the dynamics developed in the teaching-learning process in Pre-Hospital Urgency discipline, from August to December 2020. Result: In this brief report we present some perceptions of the period of virtual education that occurred during the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus. Not making exclusive use of a chronological order, we recorded facts and situations that led to the actions that guided virtual nursing classes and the impressions of this experience. Conclusion: the situations described here may corroborate with the experiences of other teachers, showing that it is not enough to use digital information and communication technologies in teaching, training, time and strategies are needed for an adequate incorporation of these technologies in nursing education.




How to Cite

Dantas Seixas, G. M., de Souza, S. dos S. B., dos Santos, E. G. A., Ferreira, L. V., de Souza, J. C., Marinho, T. A., de Lima, E. V., da Vera, S. O., Albuquerque, G. P. X., Rodrigues, W. C. C., Lins, M. A., Junior, E. N. de O., da Silva, T. P., Marcena, J. C., de Lima, A. H. A., Reis Filho, E. V., Soares, E. V. M., Assunção, M. C. C. de, de Aguiar, D. G., … Pinto, V. (2021). Classroom experiences in a virtual teaching environment in times of Covid-19 pandemic: Reports of experience in urgency and emergency nursing education. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(2).