Critical Reflection for the Change of Educational Practice


  • Dra. Raimunda Alves Melo
  • Dra. Antonia Dalva França-Carvalho


This study is based on a doctoral research developed by the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), which analyzes the changes in the educational practice of teachers working in rural schools after participating in the Degree in Education of the Field (LEdoC). The clipping presented through this purpose aims to discuss the principle of critical reflection as an important element for the change in educational practice. The discussions that support these stages are supported by theorists such as: Contreras (2012), Freire (2013 and 2014), Molina and Hage (2015), Pimenta e Lima (2012), among others. The data production employed the Richardson-oriented documentary analysis (2012) and conversation wheels from the perspective of Freire (2002). The data production employed the Richardson-oriented documentary analysis (2012) and conversation wheels from the perspective of Freire (2002). The results show that the interfaces between the curricular activities of teacher training, based on the specific knowledge of the formation and the relation between them and the knowledge of the peasant culture, produce critical reflections, contributing to the change of educational practice.







How to Cite

Melo, D. R. A., & França-Carvalho, D. A. D. (2019). Critical Reflection for the Change of Educational Practice. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).