Nursing care for patients in cardiorespiratory arrest: Nurses’ knowledge and practice


  • Lucimario Valente Ferreira
  • Erica Souza Rodrigues
  • João Victor Moura Garcia
  • Jean Vitor Silva Ferreira
  • Bruna Carolina da Trindade Monteiro da Silva
  • Thais Cristina Borges Farias
  • Elem Cristina Barbosa de Souza
  • Daniela Cristine Pina de Brito
  • Maria Antonieta Bezerra Falcão
  • Mauro Sávio Sarmento Pinheiro
  • Joriane de Carvalho Costa
  • Natália Moraes dos Santos
  • Rafael Pilad barata Mussio
  • Tamires de Cassia Silva da Cruz
  • Vitória Cardoso Siqueira
  • Valdenira de Aragão Damasceno
  • Karolaine de Oliveira Barra
  • Brena Carolina Andrade Bordalo Sampaio
  • Samara Correa Muto
  • Daiane Sabrina Neves Oliveira
  • Maressa dos Santos Castro
  • Ailton Silva da Silva
  • Laura Batista e Silva de Brito
  • Carlos Eduardo Castro Freitas Silva
  • Izabel Silva Carvalho
  • Diélig Teixeira
  • Elizabeth Valente Barbosa
  • Vinicius Donza Barroso da Silva
  • Yasmim Leão Fayal
  • Carla Quaresma Durães de Sousa
  • Andressa Silva Coelho
  • Marcio Almeida Lins
  • Elielson Varlindo Reis Filho
  • Eimar Neri de Oliveira Junior
  • Leliane do Nascimento do Espírito Santo
  • Marta Cleonice Cordeiro de Assunção
  • Lucilena Estumano Almeida
  • Camila Melo da Silva
  • Maria Katiane Nogueira Dias
  • Danielle Oliveira Maciel
  • Sheila do Socorro dos Santos Miranda
  • Glauber Marcelo Dantas Seixas
  • Luciene Maria dos Reis
  • Enderson Vasconcelos de Lima
  • Araceli Calliari Bentes
  • Rafaela Moraes de Souza
  • Dhyrlee Dennara Magalhães Silva
  • Alex Brendo Gonçalves Costa
  • Daniele Ferreira Bezerra
  • Anna Thalita de Souza Cardoso
  • Emerson Cardoso Carvalho
  • Jonas Silva Costa
  • Viviane Pinto
  • Gleyce Pinto Girard
  • Thamyris Abreu Marinho
  • Marjani Ribeiro Manzoli
  • Marlene Simões e Silva
  • Maria Alessandra Valente Oliveira
  • Manoella Oliveira Santana de Souza
  • Wedndel Tadeu Teixeira de Magalhães
  • Ana kele Barbosa Pinheiro
  • Jasmin Stephany Savaris dos Santos
  • Fernanda da Silva Lima
  • Walber da Silva Nogueira
  • Angela Cristina Menezes Lisboa
  • Ygor Remédios Freitas
  • Maicon de Araujo Nogueira
  • Antonia Margareth Moita Sá


Cardiac arrest, Nursing care, Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


Objective: to analyze nurses' knowledge and practices regarding the care provided to patients in cardiopulmonary arrest in the emergency room of a medium and high complexity public hospital in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. Method: this descriptive, exploratory, qualitative study included ten nurses, who work in the urgency and emergency service. Data collection took place from February to March 2019 through semi-structured interviews. Thematic content analysis proposed by Bardin was used to construct the data. Results: the studied population has deficient and sometimes insufficient knowledge, mostly marked by mistaken speeches and uncertainties, revealing gaps in knowledge and divergences in relation to the resuscitation science consensus necessary to perform adequate care during a cardiorespiratory arrest, and may compromise the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, causing damage to resuscitation and, consequently, contribute to the emergence and / or aggravation of sequelae, which can impact on increased morbidity and mortality. Conclusion: knowledge deficiency is multifactorial, which may be related to the lack of continuous and permanent education, and the lack of personal motivation for the constant search for knowledge, in addition to the lack of incentive to update proposed by the head of the service in the studied scenario.







How to Cite

Ferreira, L. V., Rodrigues, E. S., Garcia, J. V. M., Ferreira, J. V. S., Trindade Monteiro da Silva, B. C. da, Farias, T. C. B., Souza, E. C. B. de, de Brito, D. C. P., Bezerra Falcão, M. A., Pinheiro, M. S. S., Costa, J. de C., Santos, N. M. dos, Mussio, R. P. barata, da Cruz, T. de C. S., Siqueira, V. C., Damasceno, V. de A., Barra, K. de O., Bordalo Sampaio, B. C. A., Muto, S. C., … Moita Sá, A. M. (2021). Nursing care for patients in cardiorespiratory arrest: Nurses’ knowledge and practice. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(3).