Proposed Integration of the Technical Regulations of Systems of Management of Operational Safety and Structural Integrity of Facilities, defined by the ANP of Brazil


  • Luís Borges Gouveia
  • Raymundo Jorge de Sousa Mançú
  • Silvério dos Santos Brunhoso Cordeiro


This article aims to analyze and integrate the main requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Operational Safety Management Systems (RTSGSO), Structural Integrity of Facilities (RTSGI), Terrestrial Pipelines (RTDT), Submarine Systems (RTSGSS) and Wells (RTSGIP) Producers and Injectors, defined by the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), to simplify implementation and integration with other Integrated Management Systems (SGI), such as Quality, Environment, Safety and Health at Work (QMS&ST) in the management of concessionaires and/or operators of oil and natural gas producing fields in Brazil. The methodology used was an exploratory and descriptive research, through a bibliographical review and documentary. As a result, the main requirements of the 5 (five) technical regulations of the operational safety and structural integrity management systems of the facilities, ground pipelines, subsea and well systems were integrated into a structured correspondence matrix model with 17 (seventeen) Management Programs of the RTSGSO, for implementation in the global management of concessionaires and/or operators of oil and natural gas producing fields. This way it was concluded that the matrix with the integration and correspondence of the ANP's technical regulations will simplify the implementation and integration with other management systems such as QMS&ST (SGI) in the global management of the concessionaire company or operator of oil and natural gas producing fields , and will also contribute to the development of data collection tools such as: checklists, to periodically perform diagnoses and/or performance evaluation of implementation and/or maintenance of the management systems applied in the exploration and production of oil and natural gas.







How to Cite

Gouveia, L. B., Mançú, R. J. de S., & Cordeiro, S. dos S. B. (2019). Proposed Integration of the Technical Regulations of Systems of Management of Operational Safety and Structural Integrity of Facilities, defined by the ANP of Brazil. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).