Loneliness and the Feeling of abandonment, related to Age, as Factors of Risk to Life


  • Francisco das Chagas Lopes
  • Thayná Ferreira Machado Lopes
  • Miriam Rodrigues Ferreira de Souza
  • Walber Gonçalves de Souza
  • Juscélio de Abreu Clemente
  • Mario Alessandro Gontijo de Melo
  • Wanessa Soares Luiz Silva
  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva


Hopelessness, loneliness, risk group


Formal operations, according to the theory of Jean Piaget (1896-1980) is the phase where the human being reaches the balance of his intellectuality that will last throughout his life, reaching his stage of maturation at around 40 years of age. Freud (1856-1939) shows that the adult phase is the result of events in childhood, which define its structure, categorizing it as neurotic, psychotic or perverse. Thus, the cognitive structures are formed, beforehand, and undergoing the necessary environmental changes to improve their maturation process, transforming the individual as a result of the environment. All of these interactions can form behaviors in the individual that evade normality, such as suicide. Biological, social and psychological factors associated with the economy emerge as causes of self-extermination. Objective: Create a strategic awareness of knowledge that, within certain age groups, the levels of risk of self-extermination are higher, directing psychotherapeutic work towards a more incisive investigation on the topic, as a prophylactic action. Methodological Approach: An electronic questionnaire of 8 (eight) questions, with closed answers, was made available through social networks, sent randomly to people of all ages, from 15 years of age onwards. 108 people signed up to the invitation. The answers would be: YES, NO and in just 3 there was a MAYBE that aimed to measure the hesitation before the question. After 63% of the people surveyed answered, the survey started to be developed, using the same form, personally. Results: research shows that those aged 15 to 25 and those aged 40 to 60 years have a strong tendency to risk self-extermination. Comparing their responses, it can be seen that those in this age group claim that they have already felt alone. And when asked if they ever thought about giving up on life, the data were mostly positive. Final Considerations: Analyzing the results, it can be inferred that loneliness, from the point of view of those aged between 15 and 25 and 40 to 60 years, is something that has meaning and open doors for suicidal ideas. This opens the way to carry out more detailed studies in order to identify prophylactic strategies to reach these individuals so that the gaps can be perceived and, within a psychotherapeutic process, this will be a fact that is seen as a priority for the prevention of self-extermination. Comparing their responses, it can be seen that those in this age group claim that they have already felt alone. And when asked if they ever thought about giving up on life, the data were mostly positive. Final Considerations: Analyzing the results, it can be inferred that loneliness, from the point of view of those aged between 15 and 25 and 40 to 60 years, is something that has meaning and open doors for suicidal ideas. This opens the way to carry out more detailed studies in order to identify prophylactic strategies to reach these individuals so that gaps can be perceived and, within a psychotherapeutic process, this will be a fact that is seen as a priority for the prevention of self-extermination. Comparing their responses, it can be seen that those in this age group claim that they have already felt alone. And when asked if they ever thought about giving up on life, the data were mostly positive. Final Considerations: Analyzing the results, it can be inferred that loneliness, from the point of view of those aged between 15 and 25 and 40 to 60 years, is something that has meaning and open doors for suicidal ideas. This opens the way to carry out more detailed studies in order to identify prophylactic strategies to reach these individuals so that gaps can be perceived and, within a psychotherapeutic process, this will be a fact that is seen as a priority for the prevention of self-extermination. Final Considerations: Analyzing the results, it can be inferred that loneliness, from the point of view of those aged between 15 and 25 and 40 to 60 years, is something that has meaning and open doors for suicidal ideas. This opens the way to carry out more detailed studies in order to identify prophylactic strategies to reach these individuals so that gaps can be perceived and, within a psychotherapeutic process, this will be a fact that is seen as a priority for the prevention of self-extermination. Final Considerations: Analyzing the results, it can be inferred that loneliness, from the point of view of those aged between 15 and 25 and 40 to 60 years, is something that has meaning and open doors for suicidal ideas. This opens the way for more detailed studies to identify prophylactic strategies to reach these individuals so that gaps can be perceived and, within a psychotherapeutic process, this will be a fact that is seen as a priority for the prevention of self-extermination.







How to Cite

Lopes, F. das C., Machado Lopes, T. F., Ferreira de Souza, M. R., de Souza, W. G., Clemente, J. de A., de Melo, M. A. G., Silva, W. S. L., & Silva, D. R. (2021). Loneliness and the Feeling of abandonment, related to Age, as Factors of Risk to Life. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(4). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3481