Application of entrepreneurship in small businesses


  • Weder Ferreira dos Santos
  • Vinicius Cavalcante Dora
  • Vanderlan Carneiro Dias
  • Layanni Ferreira Sodré Santos
  • Joênes Mucci Peluzio
  • Jorge Ricardo Moura
  • Antônio Henrique Camilo Ribeiro
  • Cícero Antônio Sobreira Fidelis
  • Zildiney Dantas da Silva
  • Giselle Ferreira Sodré
  • Laura Carneiro Silva


Administration, Entrepreneur, Tocantins


The present work aims to know the importance of entrepreneurship as a business strategy. The field research was carried out with camelodromo/popular trade entrepreneurs, Palmas-TO, Brazil. The field research was conducted in the month of October 2014, with a universe of research 40 popular trade entrepreneurs, of whom 35 contributed to the survey with a sampling of 87.5% of the interviewees. The data were tabulated, presented in the form of graphs, thus making a descriptive and critical analysis of the results. Entrepreneurs are satisfied with their ventures and most are aware of the foster agencies.







How to Cite

Santos, W. F. dos, Dora, V. C., Dias, V. C., Santos, L. F. S., Peluzio, J. M., Moura, J. R., Ribeiro, A. H. C., Fidelis, C. A. S., Silva, Z. D. da, Sodré, G. F., & Silva, L. C. (2021). Application of entrepreneurship in small businesses. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(4).