Sensitivity analysis in the rearing of beef cattle in the State of Pará


  • Diogo Claudio da Silva
  • Weder Ferreira dos Santos
  • Layanni Ferreira Sodré Santos
  • Adriano Silveira Barbosa
  • Antônio Henrique Camilo Ribeiro
  • Vanderlan Carneiro Dias
  • Joênes Mucci Peluzio
  • Maria Dilma de Lima
  • Cícero Antônio Sobreira Fidelis
  • Renato da Silva Vieira
  • Laura Carneiro Silva


Cattle culture, Cost management, Farmer


Brazil, a major meat producer and exporter, has the largest commercial herd in the world with about 215 million heads, as Pará is in the 4th position in number of cattle in the country, with 22 million heads. In the country 80% of the farms are beef cattle, having reared in all Brazilian municipalities, mostly calf production, many producers do not have the records of information on the cost of production and the viability of the business, sensitivity analysis and important instrument, and of total importance because it helps to know the results, profitability for decision making. Thus, this objective was to make a sensitivity analysis, for this we made a case study, where zootechnical indexes were raised, the support of the property and made a projection of the herd, during the period of 10 years, to find the revenue and verified the expenses both fixed as the variable, and also investments in the infrastructure to find the expenses of the property in the period, the economic indexes were found and sensitivity analysis was made, in a rural property in Santa Maria das Barreiras, in the State of Pará. Concluding that project is robust and feasible, with attention to expected profitability.







How to Cite

Silva, D. C. da, Santos, W. F. dos, Sodré Santos, L. F., Barbosa, A. S., Ribeiro, A. H. C., Dias, V. C., Peluzio, J. M., Lima, M. D. de, Fidelis, C. A. S., Vieira, R. da S., & Silva, L. C. (2021). Sensitivity analysis in the rearing of beef cattle in the State of Pará. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(5).