3D printing by additive manufacture of hydrogel containing caffeic acid


  • João de Deus Pereira de Moraes Segundo
  • Ingri Julieth Mancilla Corzo
  • Maria Oneide Silva de Moraes
  • Jéssica Heline Lopes da Fonsêca
  • Rêner Pontes Tavares
  • Brenda Silva de Paula
  • Gedeandro Gonçalves dos Santos
  • Sthefany Ananda Bruna Almeida Mendes
  • Catarina Barbosa Levy
  • Taisa Lorene Sampaio Farias
  • Rudyere Nascimento Silva
  • Marcos Akira d’Ávila


Additive manufacture, caffeic acid, hydrogel


In this work, 3D extrusion-based printing head was used to produce 3D geometry of hydrogel containing caffeic acid (CA). The hydrogel was prepared with 10wt.% polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and 3wt.% sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) using deionized water as solvent (PVP-CMC hydrogel), likewise the PVP-CMC hydrogel containing CA was prepared but was added 2wt.% CA (PVP-CA-CMC hydrogel). The rheological properties of the hydrogels were obtained using a modular rheometer with plate-plate geometry. The PVP-CMC hydrogel presented shear-thinning flow behavior and the adding of CA did not affect its rheological behavior. The power-law model described the shear-thinning curves of the hydrogels. Frequency sweep tests demonstrated that the PVP-CMC and PVP-CA-CMC hydrogels presented a physical gelation characteristic of the solid behaviors. The IR spectroscopy chemically characterized the hydrogel, indicating by carbonyl peaks a good intermolecular interaction between the functional groups. Therefore, we demonstrated the printing capacity of the PVP-CMC inks with caffeic acid, which makes it interesting to additive manufacture field.







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Moraes Segundo, J. de D. P. de, Corzo, I. J. M., Moraes, M. O. S. de, da Fonsêca, J. H. L., Tavares, R. P., Paula, B. S. de, dos Santos, G. G., Almeida Mendes, S. A. B., Levy, C. B., Farias, T. L. S., Silva, R. N., & d’Ávila, M. A. (2021). 3D printing by additive manufacture of hydrogel containing caffeic acid. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(5). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3595