Practices in Mental Health in Primary Care: An Integrative Review


  • Thalissa de Sá Cartana
  • Sônia Maria Lemos
  • Eduardo Sant’Ana Jorge Honorato
  • Tirza Almeida da Silva
  • Daniel Cerdeira de Souza
  • Érica da Silva Carvalho
  • Ângela Xavier Monteiro
  • Clarissa Santana Cruz
  • Luziane Vitoriano da Costa
  • Kenne Samara Andrade Martins
  • Rômulo Chaves Pereira de Oliveira


The Objective of the present study was to analyze the scientific production of the 10 years (2005-2015), highlighting the practices in Mental Health in PHC implemented through public policies. Method: integrative literature review, with research in LILACS and SCIELO databases. The descriptors Mental Health, Primary Care; Basic Attention and Public Policies. Full Text were included; Main subject; Country / Region as subject, only studies carried out in Brazil; Language: English Spanish and Portuguese; Year of Publication (2006 to 2015) and Subject of the Journal. Through this study, it was possible to identify 22 studies focused on the subject of Mental Health in Primary Care, which were categorized into 4 main themes: Matrix support, Biomedical Model, Importance of community health agent (CHA) and Implementation of Public Policies in Mental Health. The main practices in Mental Health highlighted are the matrix support, which in most studies is considered as an important tool for the effectiveness of mental health services in primary care, network articulation, co-responsibility of the teams involved in care, municipal management.







How to Cite

Cartana, T. de S., Lemos, S. M., Honorato, E. S. J., Silva, T. A. da, Souza, D. C. de, Carvalho, Érica da S., Monteiro, Ângela X., Cruz, C. S., Costa, L. V. da, Martins, K. S. A., & Oliveira, R. C. P. de. (2019). Practices in Mental Health in Primary Care: An Integrative Review. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 6(7).