Evaluation of the Sexual and Urinary Functions of Transsexual Women


  • Welliton Werveson Pereira de Souza
  • Rafaela Ribeiro de Miranda
  • Cibele Nazaré Câmara Rodrigues
  • Gustavo Fernando Sutter Latorre
  • José Robertto Zaffalon Júnior
  • Tainá Alves Teixeira
  • Erica Feio Carneiro Nunes


Transsexuals, Sexual Health, Genitalia, Urinary Incontinence


The number of transsexual people who choose transsexualizing procedures has grown in recent years. These processes are associated with several changes in their anatomy, as well as sexual and urinary function. This study proposed to identify the sexual and urinary functions of transsexual women. Two transsexual women who underwent sexual reassignment surgery participated in the study. We used the questionnaires: Female Genital Self Image Scale (FGSIS), Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS-R), Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), Three Questions Incontinence Test (3IQ), Protection, Amount, Frequency, Adjustment, Bodyimage (PRAFAB). Excel software was used for data entry, preparation of tables and descriptive statistical analysis. One of the participants is neither satisfied nor comfortable with the appearance of her genitals and even feels ashamed. Satisfaction with sexual intercourse is impaired in both participants, who had a high score on the FSDS-R.Asin the FSDS-R, the total score on the FSFI characterizes the participants as havinga sexual dysfunction. The most compromised domain for both was satisfaction. Pain and arousal were scored more by one of the participants. None of the participants, according to the 3IQ test, reported urine leakage, so it is not possible to apply PRAFAB. The sexual function of the transsexual women in this study was altered. There was no change in urinary function.







How to Cite

Pereira de Souza, W. W., Miranda, R. R. de, Rodrigues, C. N. C., Latorre, G. F. S., Júnior, J. R. Z., Teixeira, T. A., & Nunes, E. F. C. (2021). Evaluation of the Sexual and Urinary Functions of Transsexual Women. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 8(6). https://journal-repository.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/3722